- Receiving goods as an authorised consignee
- Managing all electronic import and export customs processes as a direct representative (AIS/AES—Automated Import and Export System)
- Administering customs licences (new and existing)
- Applying for EORI (Economic Operators Registration and Identification) and VPID (economic operators Hungarian national identification number) numbers
- Subsequent customs procedures (duties refunds, amending customs declarations)
- Participating and offering representation in government audits
- Providing guidance on correct tariff classification numbers and applying for Binding Tariff Information (BTI) decisions
- Professional consulting
- Administering the Environment Protection Product Fee
- Preparing and submitting of Intrastat reports (statistical reporting on the movement of goods within the European Union)
Read more about additional services we offer through our sister company AD Intrade Kft. – customs and foreign trade services
Our sister company, AD Customs Kft., offers the unique service of indirect customs representation, including the responsibility for obligations of paying import Value Added Tax (VAT). More details: AD Customs Kft – indirect customs representation services